
What are they saying about Yoshimoto Therapy?
Yoshimoto Physical Therapy in Honolulu strives to provide patients with personalized, one-to-one care, ongoing education, thorough evaluation, advanced techniques, state-of-the-art equipment, and tailored exercises. They specialize in sports injuries and other orthopedic issues, car accident injuries, work-related injuries, and performance recovery. This business was named as one of Hawaii's healthiest companies by Pacific Business News.
Dean Yoshimoto is selected for:
"Best Physical Therapists in Honolulu, HI
Handpicked Top 3 Physical Therapists in Honolulu. Our 50-Point Inspection includes everything from checking customer reviews, history, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, trust and cost to the general excellence. You deserve only the best!"
~ ThreeBest Rated
"I've been dancing since the age of 4 and teaching dance for 14 years when I hurt my knee this past Fall. It was my first knee injury in over 35 years of dance. At the time of my injury I could barely bend my knee, much less put any weight on it. I was diagnosed with chondromalacia.
Determined to get my knee back into dancing condition, I went to see Dean at Yoshimoto Physical Therapy to regain strength in my legs and range of motion in my knee. Dean assessed my injury and prescribed a series of exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knee combined with massage and electrotherapy.
Within a month, my legs were getting stronger and the swelling diminished. Thanks to Dean and his staff at Yoshimoto PT, by the end of the second month, I had regained the range of motion in my knee, strength in my legs and was back to dancing and teaching as if the injury had never occurred."
~ Maile Racuya Lum Punahou School Jazz Dance Instructor Honolulu Dance Studio Instructor Former National Cheerleading Association (NCA) All-American Collegiate Cheerleader
This letter was written to Pacific Business News on May 3, 2007. Mr. Kagawa has since passed away.
"My name is Siegfred S. Kagawa and I am the retired Chaiman and CEO of Occidental Underwriters of Hawaii. In my 75 years in Hawaii - almost 60 of which have been focused on Hawaii business - I've had the opportunity to observe thousands of men and women from all walks of life in the business arena. One person has impressed me enough to sit down and write this letter to your publication.
I met Dean Yoshimoto, M.P.T., in his capacity as a Physical Therapist. It is because of this young man that I have regained my ability to walk - and the dignity that comes along with that. Though I started off purely as his patient, I have come to know him both as a friend and a respectable leader in our community. He is the owner of two thriving physical therapy clinics and a full-time employer of ten Hawaii residents.
Dean's take-charge attitude is coupled with an equally strong amount of concern for others. In my experience, most individuals either possess one quality or the other. There are either primarily aggressive or primarily empathetic. Dean is a rare individual who is truly both. Throughout the day, I've observed him rely on both traits, gently helping rehabilitate patients - most of whom are in pain or very frail - while fearlessly tackling the multiple challenges of running two busy clinics.
What makes Dean such a well-rounded businessman and member of the community is his remarkable ability to be unselfish. A devoted father of two young children, he still finds time to volunteer at the Community Church of Honolulu the Arthritis Foundation, and the Waikiki Jaycees. He freely gives of his physical therapy talent by volunteering as the golf program liaison for McKinley High School. He spent many years serving as the liaison for the athletic departments of both St. Andrew's Priory and Roosevelt High School. Dean has been recognized by his peers for his business and civic contributions by his Better Business Bureau nomination for Ethics in Business and by being named in two "Who's Who for Small Business" compilations. Others, like me, have taken notice of his extraordinary abilities.
Dean is dedicated to his field and continually homes his physical therapy skills and acumen through active involvement in the National American Physical Therapy Association. He stays up to date on the many advances and cutting-edge therapies by a disciplined schedule of continuing education courses. His research is in the process of being published for his discoveries of the electromagnetic affects of quadriceps and hamstrings during forward and backward walking. Additionally, he is writing his first book about the shoulders, knees, and joints with which most Americans have trouble at some point in their lives.
Dean has reached all of these pinnacles before turning the age of 40. It's obvious that he is the "full package" - a thriving businessman with two successful offices, a dedicated father and community leader, a trusted employer, and a skilled physical therapist who treats his patients with dignity.
As I walk today, without the need for a wheelchair or cane, I do so because of Dean's persistence, skill, and compassion for other. I look forward to walking up to him - strong-legged - and shaking his hand for the investment he has made in the business community and to others' lives."
~ Siegfred S. Kagawa Honolulu, HI
"I visited Yoshimoto Physical Therapy after getting sciatica in August of 2010. I was in so much agony that I could hardly walk. It hurt to sit, stand, or lay down. I couldn't walk from room to room so my husband actually bought me walking sticks to help me get around the house.
To ease the pain, I had a massages therapist come to my house. Big mistake. It hurt so much that I asked her to stop. By the time I called Yoshimoto Physical Therapy, I was in very bad shape. Dean's staff was so accommodating. Rovyn squeezed me in even though he was heavily booked for the next several days.
Dean gave me ultrasound treatment to relax the muscles and showed me how to reduce the swelling at home. After treatment, I felt better but didn't expect a dramatic improvement. The miracle happened the following morning when I awoke. It was the first time I didn't have severe pain the moment I opened my eyes. Although the pain was still there, it was much less intense. This was the first time in nearly two weeks that I began to feel hope. The pain subsided over the next three or four days, and soon afterwards I was able to resume walking without the help of the walking sticks and driving.
The next time I'm in that kind of pain, I'll skip the massage therapist and head straight for Yoshimoto Physical Therapy. Thank you Dean!"
~ Julie Ford
Honolulu, HI
"Coming into the internship, I was very unsure about what I really wanted to do after college was done.
During my time with Yoshimoto Physical Therapy, I not only got to see the way things were run, but I got hands on experience working with the patients. I was able to help patients with their exercise programs, while also increasing the knowledge I had about the rehabilitation process.
I'm so thankful to have been welcomed into such a great environment and to be given the ability to work with and learn from a great, knowledgeable staff."
~ Kalei Soller
Student from the Kamehameha School program
“My physician initially stated that my shoulder was torn and that I would require reconstructive surgery. I elected to receive physical therapy instead of surgery and my physician referred me to Yoshimoto Physical Therapy
I am very grateful to Dean for extensively rehabilitating my shoulder and enabling me to avoid surgery.
I have recommended my close friends to Dean and would recommend anyone to try physical therapy with Dean Yoshimoto.”
~ Joanna Sullivan
"I was dancing the role of Spanish Chocolate in Hawaii Ballet Theater's 2010 production of 'The Nutcracker', a role I had performed before. I was coming back to dancing after several years of early childcare sprinkled with regular Pilates, yoga and weight training classes. During a final dress rehearsal, I pulled my hip flexor so badly that I could not bear weight on my leg for the next 12 hours. Dean was able to assess and treat my injury the very next day. Over the course of the following week, his treatment was so successful that I was able to rehearse and eventually perform the second weekend of shows. It had always been my hope to perform in 'The Nutcracker' with my 7-year-old daughter, and Dean and his staff at Yoshimoto Physical Therapy made it possible!"
~ Allison Higa, Honolulu
"I have known Dean Yoshimoto (Yoshimoto Physical Therapy, LLC) since approximately 1992. During this time, I have worked closely with Mr. Yoshimoto in the treatment and rehabilitation of many patients within my practice of rheumatology at the Queen's Medical Center.
Mr. Yoshimoto is an exceptionally talented and conscientious physical therapist. He has instilled these high standards in all of his staff at Yoshimoto Physical Therapy, LLC. My patients are invariably impressed and satisfied with the care received at Yoshimoto Physical Therapy. My physician colleagues are consistently gratified at his diligence and style and it is my understanding that other members of his profession hold him in high esteem.
Mr. Yoshimoto runs a very successful organization. This is in part characterized by the fact that after just a few years, he is now opening a second facility. I have direct knowledge that other offers have been made to Mr. Yoshimoto to open branches elsewhere on the island. So far, he has slowed this process down in order to ensure delivery of high quality therapy to those he has committed to at these two sites. As a physician in private practice who runs a solo business, I am aware of the pitfalls and challenges that have presented themselves to Mr. Yoshimoto and have been impressed by the way he has addressed and overcome such obstacles.
During this time when he opened a business and now a second branch of his business, he has also remained a steadfast and attentive husband and parent of two small children. He is somehow finding time to remain active in his church and the local branch of the American Physical Therapy Association. He also reached out to the community to give back; an example of this is his present functioning as a consultant for the McKinley High School golf program.
He has been recognized as a leader among physical therapists and has been awarded recognition in the National Heritage Who's Who for small business, Strathmore's Who's Who for small business and has been nominated for the Better Business Bureau award for ethics in Business. In a less concrete and more difficult to define way, Mr. Yoshimoto gives of himself consistently to his patients, to his colleagues, and to those others who lives he touches.
In summary, I recommend Dean Yoshimoto of Yoshimoto Physical Therapy, without reservation. He is an exceptional example of a young businessman within our community, as well as an exceptional example of a decent, moral, and ethical individual. My long association with Mr. Yoshimoto has been richly rewarding and I am confident he will continue to give unerringly to his business and our people."
~ David John, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Honolulu, HI
"I had rotator cuff surgery in 2003. The injury and the surgery were extremely painful. I never dreamed I would have a full recovery and worried that I would have to give up my daily aerobic workouts.
Dean Yoshimoto was instrumental in my recovery.
Dean has the ability to sense his patients' limits and motivate them to make progress while working within their capabilities. Dean's friendly personality made the grueling work bearable and calmed my fears. Today, I have made a full recovery and I am back to a vigorous athletic routine. I would highly recommend Dean and his staff."
~ Sally "Sal" Delce
Honolulu, HI
"Several years ago, I underwent some major surgery which triggered a cascade of musculoskeletal symptoms which included muscle cramping, numbness and tingling in my extremities, joint pain, weakness in the knee, and chronic neck and shoulder pain. Through physical therapy, exercise, and proper nutrition, my symptoms have become manageable, but occasional flare-ups and injuries do occur.
What I have learned over the years is how very important it is to partner with an experienced, caring physical therapist who can carefully customize my treatment, monitor my progress, fine-tune my exercise plans, and provide the continuity required to prevent any future injuries. Dean Yoshimoto has been a great partner in healing, patiently educating me about my injuries, and taking the time to explain the rationale behind the different exercises and treatment. The atmosphere is always professional, and very calm, relaxing, and therapeutic. Most importantly, under Dean's guidance, and with the help of his friendly and knowledgeable staff, I have always been able to heal quickly and have enjoyed myself in the process. My heartfelt thanks to Dean and his staff. They have made a big difference in my life."
~ June DeBusk
Honolulu, HI
"Dean's skill and knowledge was instrumental in helping me to cope with my debilitating back pain. His caring and gentle manner at all times was essential to the effectiveness of my therapy."
~ Clarissa Burkert
Honolulu, HI
"A note to thank you and your associates for helping me recover from two "frozen" shoulders over a two-month period. While my golf score has not yet fully recovered, I am shooting about 10 strokes better than whence your treatments began.
Never having had physical therapy, I didn't quite know what to expect. The electrical pulsation, along with a gradual increase in physical exercise, did the job required. That, plus the excellent hospitality shown by yoru staff helped make the occasional discomfort very tolerable.
Again, many thanks in helping with my recovery."
~ Robert Wilkinson
President & CEO Grace Pacific
Honolulu, HI
"I've known Dean Yoshimoto for over 10 years. I saw him first for physical therapy and then massage. Dean is very personable, pleasant, caring, and considerate. He knows his business. He has the hands of God. I would recommend him to everyone and I have. He also has a great sense of humor. I told him that as long as I'm alive, he better not retire."
~ Mary T. Orthman
Honolulu, HI
"Upon entering Yoshimoto Physical Therapy as an intern through the Kapili Oihana program, I was at a loss for direction in my career goals. I stumbled into the program by chance, but luckily it was just where I needed to be. Although I was hesitant at first, Dean and Kristen provided me the same patience and encouragement they express towards their patients. They allowed me to become as involved as possible and really get a feel for what physical therapy is all about. Whether it was loosening up a shoulder so a patient could golf again, or strengthening a patient's muscles so they could play with their grandchildren, I watched Dean and Kristen help patients get their life back again in a matter of weeks. My internship with Yoshimoto Physical Therapy not only gave me the opportunity to enhance my communication skills, develop professionalism, and apply my studies to a real world setting, but it ultimately inspired me to become a therapist myself. I think I learned more over my summer internship than from an entire year in biology lab! It was definitely one of the most valuable experiences I've had thus far in my education and I'm so fortunate to have had the chance to shadow such great therapists."
~ Lindsey Ching
Student from the Kamehameha School program