
Shoulder Rehab
Shoulder Injuries
The shoulder joint is one of the most complicated joints to treat. The last thing you need when your shoulders are in pain is to have the wrong diagnosis. At Yoshimoto Physical Therapy, we pride ourselves in having superior knowledge in successfully diagnosing and treating complex shoulder injuries. Our goal for you is that our treatment will allow you to avoid shoulder surgery and/or "shoulder manipulation" which is done under anesthesia. We want your body to heal itself naturally.
Complex Shoulder
Not all shoulder injuries are the same. When your shoulders are in pain, there are numerous conditions that may be occurring individually or in combination with one another -- bursitis, tendinitis, labral tears, rotator cuff tears, injuries to the shoulder girdle bones (the scapula, humerus, and clavicle), thoracic outlet syndrome, ulnar, radial, or median nerve injuries. At Yoshimoto Physical Therapy, we are extremely knowledgeable in identifying the actual cause of your pain by ruling out possible nerve injuries to the neck that may mimic pathologies of the shoulder.
Frozen Shoulder
Internationally known as the "50-year-old shoulder," this condition predominantly strikes women between the ages of 45 - 60. Its cause is unknown. If you are suffering with a frozen shoulder, do not live in pain. Visit Yoshimoto Physical Therapy where we excel in treating shoulder injuries. Your treatment will consist of the following:
- Muscle Relaxation: Your treatment will include physical therapy to loosen your shoulder blade muscles through deep tissue massage. Each therapist utilizes their own massage techniques specific to the injury being addressed.
- Joint Mobilization: Your shoulder joints will be gently manipulated to ease the restriction through a process of joint mobilization.
- Stretching: You will be taught special stretches to increase your overall range of motion. We will loosen your joint capsule and larger shoulder muscles before we stretch your shoulder joint. We know your shoulders are in pain, so this ensures the most comfortable tolerance to treatment.
- Strengthening: You will be taught specific rotator cuff, scapular and shoulder specific exercises that will improve the overall dynamic function of your shoulder. This will enable you to successfully return to your active lifestyle
Shoulder Rehab Results:
“My physician initially stated that my shoulder was torn and that I would require reconstructive surgery. I elected to receive physical therapy instead of surgery and my physician referred me to Yoshimoto Physical Therapy
I am very grateful to Dean for extensively rehabilitating my shoulder and enabling me to avoid surgery.
I have recommended my close friends to Dean and would recommend anyone to try physical therapy with Dean Yoshimoto.”
~ Joanna Sullivan
"I had rotator cuff surgery in 2003. The injury and the surgery were extremely painful. I never dreamed I would have a full recovery and worried that I would have to give up my daily aerobic workouts.
Dean Yoshimoto was instrumental in my recovery.
Dean has the ability to sense his patients' limits and motivate them to make progress while working within their capabilities. Dean's friendly personality made the grueling work bearable and calmed my fears. Today, I have made a full recovery and I am back to a vigorous athletic routine. I would highly recommend Dean and his staff."
~ Sally "Sal" Delce
Honolulu, HI
"Several years ago, I underwent some major surgery which triggered a cascade of musculoskeletal symptoms which included muscle cramping, numbness and tingling in my extremities, joint pain, weakness in the knee, and chronic neck and shoulder pain. Through physical therapy, exercise, and proper nutrition, my symptoms have become manageable, but occasional flare-ups and injuries do occur.
What I have learned over the years is how very important it is to partner with an experienced, caring physical therapist who can carefully customize my treatment, monitor my progress, fine-tune my exercise plans, and provide the continuity required to prevent any future injuries. Dean Yoshimoto has been a great partner in healing, patiently educating me about my injuries, and taking the time to explain the rationale behind the different exercises and treatment. The atmosphere is always professional, and very calm, relaxing, and therapeutic. Most importantly, under Dean's guidance, and with the help of his friendly and knowledgeable staff, I have always been able to heal quickly and have enjoyed myself in the process. My heartfelt thanks to Dean and his staff. They have made a big difference in my life."
~ June DeBusk
Honolulu, HI
"A note to thank you and your associates for helping me recover from two "frozen" shoulders over a two-month period. While my golf score has not yet fully recovered, I am shooting about 10 strokes better than whence your treatments began.
Never having had physical therapy, I didn't quite know what to expect. The electrical pulsation, along with a gradual increase in physical exercise, did the job required. That, plus the excellent hospitality shown by yoru staff helped make the occasional discomfort very tolerable.
Again, many thanks in helping with my recovery."
~ Robert Wilkinson
President & CEO Grace Pacific
Honolulu, HI
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